About AplusK

AplusK is a recognised importer/distributor of audiovisual products from leading brands in the Benelux. We are there for our dealers and offer an extremely extensive product portfolio for fully equipping presentation and meeting rooms. Thanks to our one-stop shopping principle, you can source all your products from Aplusk- from displays and projectors to splitters, controls and wiring. You have a single point of contact for all your audiovisual products — naturally at very competitive prices and under excellent warranty terms.

As our employees constantly attend training courses to update their knowledge and skills, we are able to give you excellent advice on selecting the products required for your systems. We also offer our dealers training sessions several times a year, often under the supervision of professionals from our suppliers. So we not only maintain our own knowledge at a high level, we also ensure that our dealers have the right expertise for giving customers the best possible advice. As a result, they can differentiate themselves from competitors in this area as well.

Aplusk is based in the Netherlands and Belgium.


AplusK team


Rutger Karelse
General Manager


Martin van Heteren
Dealer Manager


David Willemstein
Technical Advisor


Dan Schijf
Sales Manager Netherlands


Willem de Snoo
Technical Advisor


Natan van Raemdonck
Sales Manager BeLux


Edwin Zeeven
Order Coordinator


Justin Nanlohy
Head of Internal Sales


Randel van Houwelingen
Sales Support Officer

Dirk de Jongste
In memoriam